
Kids' adidas Originals


They have a lot to express. Kids' adidas Originals clothes and shoes make sure they do exactly that in their own way, and in whatever color and style they want.


Whether they are running around the playground or learning in the classroom, creating never stops. adidas Originals kids apparel and shoes keep your little one comfortable and ready for anything. With clothes, shoes and accessories from adidas, grade school kids and teens can find something for every season.


For the little ones who are still finding their balance, adidas Originals for toddlers provide comfortable range of motion for them to explore the world. The 3-Stripes track suit is an adidas classic that kids love for its cozy comfort and easy wear. 3-Stripes leggings, sweats and shorts in colorful hues give your young creator freedom to walk, run and jump however they like. They’ll love the laidback look and feel of graphic tees, zip up hoodies and sweatshirts for everyday attire.


Sneakers like adidas NMD keep grade school feet cushioned and ready for action during recess or afterschool activities. Find shoes with Boost midsoles for active kids who love to keep moving. For those classic kiddos, icons like the Superstar and Continental 80 shoes go with any look and keep their outfits looking fresh. Give your kid a hint of 90’s nostalgia with chunky adidas Originals for toddlers or colorful neon sneakers for the adventurous kid.